Virtual walk through the pyrenees mountains by having local walks and bike rides

This is the GR10 trail in the Pyrenees, many explorers from Boreatton Explorer Group have hiked along it in the past for various challenges such as Gold DofE Since SBSMG haven't been able to go on any walks recently due to the pandemic we have decided to do a virtual walk. There are 3 teams (which you can sign up for on Eventbrite) which will compete to finish the distance of the GR10 trail which is 866 km or from Hendaye in the west to Banyuls in the east. You will be able to take part by submitting local walks and bike rides to us which will contribute to your groups distance. All you will need is a screenshot of your walk from any tracking app that shows your distance, this doesn't necessarily need to include a map of your walk so long as we can see the distance. This can be from any fitness app such as Samsung health but if you don't have one already I would recommend using Strava which can be downloaded from Google Play and the APP stor...